"Tomorrow was a lifetime away, now suddenly it's here.
How did it happen so quickly? This wedding drawing near.
How can I act so happy? How can I act so gay?
When in such a very short time, I'll give my daughter away.
I wish I could grasp a moment, and make the clock stand still
So I could let my heart catch up, but I know it never will.
All the worries of being a parent, all the battles won,
No one ever warned me about the day the job is done.
Yet, there is another side, where my heart is not as sad.
When I look in my daughter's eyes, I can't help but be joyful and glad.
This day she has dreamt about, for just about all her life.
She's going to be such a beautiful bride and a loving, caring wife.
I'll stand with the congregation as my daughter walks down the aisle
And even though there are tears in my eyes, my face will bear a smile.
For I know that I was very blessed when God lent this child to me,
To love and care for and nurture, so she would grow up to be
This lovely, bright young woman, who tomorrow will be a bride;
And as always I will be there, with love, at my daughter's side." ~~Linda Jo
Okay...so the wedding is still about three weeks out. And there is much to do. Still...there's time. I found this poem online on a fluke, and I was touched by it's simplicity. Then, I realized, I could have written it myself.
You know the wedding is not about the Groom (sorry, Prince Charming), or the Bridesmaids. It's not about the flowers or the food or the dancing. And it's not about the Mom. It's about the Bride. And it's about her Dad. Seriously. You do not hear the words "oh, this is going to be so difficult for her Mom...letting her go." You hear that about her Dad. How when it's his cue to "give" her to her intended, he clutches her arm a little tighter and then releases her ever so reluctantly. How hard it is on Dad. Letting go...his little girl.
There's the father and his baby girl, standing at the opening of the church sanctuary, waiting for their cue; then, he's walking his daughter down the aisle...all eyes are on her...as they SHOULD be...and everyone watches and murmurs how beautiful she looks, how breathtakingly beautiful, and they all wonder how Dad can keep his composure.
"Who gives this woman to be with this man?"
"Her mother and I do," he proudly states. (How precious that he would include the woman who birthed her!)
The father walks her down the aisle...the father gives her away...and of course, there's the infamous father-daughter dance.
It's not about the Mom. It's like...there IS no Mom. Not on THIS day.
Well let me tell you all something. There is a Mom. A Mom who is more than willing to watch from a pew...to light an unseen candle...to pray an unspoken prayer...to wait about two full days before she crys uncontrollably that she just watched her baby...her last child...marry the man of her dreams. A Mom who takes the call that there will be six more added at the last minute for the sit-down dinner. A Mom who stays up through the night praying everything and everyone is content. A Mom who would make four different lists of people attending the "wedding of the century". Who would spend hours making a guest book her baby could have just as easily bought in a store. Who would plan...and spend...and cry...and laugh...and love...and pray...all for one child.
A Mom who loves her baby more than her own life. The planning of this wedding has shown me one thing. I love my children. I love the people they have chosen to marry. To live with forever. To stand and tell their intended:
"From this day forward,
You shall not walk alone.
My heart will be your shelter,
And my arms will be your home."
I love you, Rachigga...and all I have to say is this:
I hope that DJ can play some really good dancing music...and bring on that cake! :~)