


It Was Unseasonably Warm...

Okay, so I am taking pictures most every day. I REALLY need to get out more.

I took this one on Monday...October 13...that's right, OCTOBER. Over the weekend, it was in the 80's. Poor little stick must have thought it was spring, so it bloomed! It is beautiful...and this is my favorite flower of case you didn't know that already.

Not only this, but...

A while ago, Chief brought home these small Maple Tree twigs. He potted them and they were doing pretty well. They grew to be about 6 inches tall. Then he put them on the patio, and the rabbits thought they were cute, too. So they ate them. We had two pots. He gave one to my Mom, and put the other one by the back patio door. Guess what...



A Picture is Worth...

PhotoMom and her sister challenged each other last month to take photographs every day in the month of September and then post the best photo each day so they could take a gander and maybe critique the photo, in the hopes of honing their gift. "A photo a day in September". A grand idea...and I am stealing it. :~) Except that it is now 7 days into October, I will have to begin today and end...well, I guess I don't really have to end it, do I??

It does seem that everyone and their brother is taking pictures these days. Oh, I don't mean a snapshot...I mean photographs. Finding the beauty in every day life...rather haphazardly clicking the button and finding incredibly beautiful photographs by chance. I LOVE that!

My father (yes, the one I NEVER talk about) was a photographer. Probably one of the maybe THREE things he ever did that was good in his life. Anyway...he was really good at it. I remember when I was a little girl, he taught a 4-H class (remember 4-H club??) on photography and I was enthralled by all of it. The camera, the film, the Polaroid could see the picture in MINUTES after taking it! Funny ha-ha.

It was more than that. It was the image. What you saw through the view-finder...the "captured" it forever. And for real. "The camera doesn't lie". Amen to that. It sees the reality of life. The rarity. The imperfections. The raw beauty. And it doesn't matter if it's black and white or's there. All of it.

So, maybe I will be walking around with a camera around my neck for the next month or so. Photomam took lots of pics of Z-man and Flower...I think I will be out there in the world, capturing nature.

Here are a couple I took just this 6:45 a.m. It sure was beautiful to the naked eye...and this is one of those times when "a picture just couldn't do it justice". I guess that's the whole purpose of the hone the gift. If it is a gift...

Sunrise one and two: