


Navigation...Good Thing I Married a Sailor

Remember my last post..."Peace and Praise. No Matter What"? Well...No Matter What has hit home directly!

Chief lost his full time job. Okay, I know what you're gonna say..."welcome to the rest of America" and "at least he has the job at the church". Both accurate statements, I agree; still...not being offered a position with the school under the new contractor (whom you worked for three years prior) is, well, not exactly confidence building. Ya know?

We know God has something in store for us. And I think it's B-I-G.

Okay...sort of from the beginning, and from my own perspective (because it's MY blog, and it's all about me). It took me almost EIGHT months to find our latest Women's Bible Study. Seriously. I received this catalog from Lifeway Press that had about 100 Bible studies in it, and I needed to choose something for the upcoming 2010 fall study...and then the 2011 winter study. So...I poured over the lists, read through the reviews, read through the excerpts, prayed and prayed some more. I finally settled on Priscilla Shirer's newest study for the fall. Then, as I went over the list...I saw a "theme", if you will, and chose our next four following. I love how God puts things together.  Sometimes I don't see the bigger picture right away after choosing a particular study, and this time wasn't any different. I thought: "this is a brand new study and I am excited to do something brand new for a change! Someone in our small group of women is gonna need this." want to know the name of the study? Here it is: "Jonah, Navigating a Life Interrupted." read that right. Navigating a life INTERRUPTED!

Almost as soon as Chief told me the news about his job last Thursday, I thought about this study...or God had me think about this study...and how ironic it was. Although Chief and I are not being disobedient about where we are in ministry (like Jonah), or whining about our "predicament" (like Jonah), this is definately an interruption. And we are looking at it full in the face...taking it head on...finding every opportunity to find God's Hand in our situation. Will our lives be changing? Probably. Will we lose our house? Maybe. Will we question our faith and wonder "why is God doing this to us"? Absolutely not.

I am excited to see what God has in store for us as a couple. As Pastor and Pastor's wife. We covet the prayers of all who know us (and from those who don't) that we follow God's will for our family and our ministry. We trust that He will provide. He always has, and He won't stop now.

I leave you with my favorite verse (quoted from the Contemporary English Version):

"The Lord your God wins victory after victory and is always with you. He celebrates and sings because of you, and he will refresh your life with his love." Zephaniah 3:17