


Yeah, You Heard Me Right...

115 days. Can you even guess?? Now, you all are probably thinking about my new grandbabies coming. One in 23 days and the other in, well, more than 115 days. So, no, it's not my precious grandbabies coming to greet Oma.

For those of you know me all too well...I am listening to Andy Williams Red Album right now. At this very moment. It is one of my absolute favorite albums ever recorded...right next to his Green Album.

Red. Green. That's right. Christmas. 115 days until Christmas. Even better, 91 days until I can actually celebrate the SEASON. I am sure it is the nostalgia that makes this season so special to me. It really isn't the snow or the's the memories. It's the joy that accompanies the era. "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"...yes, that's what's playing right now.

And, as much as I would LOVE to be appropriately spiritual right now, it's not even about Jesus. (Because, really, shouldn't we be celebrating Jesus every day of the year??)
It's just about...Christmas. I love it.

The weekend after Thanksgiving (another fave holiday), we clear out the living room...the corner by the window, the tables, some of the pictures come off the wall...even the kitchen, family room and bathroom get cleared out. And they are then prepared for the seasonal decorations. And there are MANY decorations. Because I love them...and because I can. So I do.

The snowmen...the lights...the garland for the banister...the stockings (I'm gonna need two more)...the tree...the ornaments. Oh the ornaments. My tree is very...well...shall we say...eclectic? I LOVE IT. It reminds me of my Grandma and Grandpa. And home. My home. And all of those years we spent away from home. The chocolate...eggnog...turkey. Family...babies...grandchildren...and I get to GIVE to all of them. Presents...wrapping paper...and my handmade cards.

I can hardly wait for the season to begin. To celebrate with my children and their children. To see their faces light up...not just at the opening of the gifts, but at every family every song they sing for the occasion...listen to them giggle and watch them play in the snow.

Why is it so different? I have no idea. Maybe it IS about Jesus. Maybe we are closer at that time of the year because of the reason we all celebrate. For's because it reminds me of a time when life was a little simpler, just as it reminds my parents of a simpler time. When life wasn't so fast-paced. No Internet. No iPhone. No Blackberries. No Facebook or Myspace.

Maybe it's too early to be thinking about Christmas. Maybe it's not the right time to be thinking about a simpler life. About family gatherings and hot chocolate. Giggling grandchildren and mountains of wrapping paper. Twinkling lights and decorated sugar cookies. Eggnog and turkey with stuffing. Maybe I should just contend with today. With now.

But, I simply cannot help myself!



It's been so long. Way too long. Wondering what in the world is the matter with me...not writing...that's just not like me. I have been reading other blogs to, maybe, be inspired...nothing. Nada. Zilch.

Maybe I am just not "in it". Maybe I've lost my "umph". Or the ability. **GASP**

So, here I sit, not feeling 100% (whatever THAT means)...physically...mentally...emotionally. That SHOULD be the PERFECT time to jot SOMETHING down. ANYthing. I hear peals of's raining...I am REALLY, REALLY hot...I am home alone...I don't have anything to say?!!?! REALLY!?!?!?

Really. Later.