


Happy Birthday...Happy 25th Birthday...

I would so LOVE to take all the credit for this beautiful woman...but it's NOT about me.
It's about HER.
(Oh yeah...Sweet know who you are! These are still the most beautiful pics of Rachigga...)

Rachigga turns 25 today. A milestone. I have blogged for her birthday before. ( But today...25 years. I can hardly believe a quarter-of-a-century has gone by. Has FLOWN by. Look at her. Then and now. My Rachigga is not JUST a beautiful woman. She's a beautiful WOMAN. Inside and out. She's special. And creative. Tender and caring. Encouraging and disciplined. A hard worker, a wonderful mother and an awesome wife. Most importantly, at least to me...she's an incredible daughter. She thinks of me. She makes me feel loved and protected. Weird, I know...but if you KNOW Rachigga...she's a protector. She's a prayer warrior and a beautiful worshiper.

Rachigga, I love you incredibly and I am so excited to be able to celebrate this milestone in your life. Your 25th anniversary of your birth.
Such a beautiful family.