


Guess What????

I'm subbing today! Cool. This post will be a two and at the end of the day. I want to get it all into one post.

I was really surprised that I wasn't upset when school actually began over a month ago. Upset that I wasn't going back, wasn't getting ready to begin another year of devo's with my first hour, devising projects to keep the throngs of bored journalism teenagers occupied at least through each quarter. I wasn't even upset that I wasn' August...choosing the movies I would be showing before Christmas break! I know, I'm anal...but I did so love picking movies to go along with each particular class.

Now...not preparing for Music Ministry was a different scenario. That was a tad difficult. I really loved that class. No offense to my J Students...I love them...but, worship is my life and knowing that I wouldn't be able to study or teach or participate in this place was depressing. I love watching my students "get it" and then apply it to their teams. Then put themselves "out there" for the whole student body to see. That is not matter the personality, it's hard to know that if I do this, I could be made fun of, or ridiculed or laughed at. But that was not the case here in this place. At least not while I was here. (Yes, I realize I am writing in two different tenses, it's just my way...) The student body really loved their worship leaders and the teams. Usually, the complaining came from staff. That's an entirely different assured I will not go into that heartache here.

Today, the day I am subbing, is Chapel day. Imagine that. God orchestrated my first sub day to be a Chapel day! Ain't He grand???? I am so way excited that I can see Chapel without me...kind of weird, but I think you understand my meaning. I need to see that DC was right..."we got along fine without before you came, we will get along fine without you when you leave!" Harsh words, maybe, but true nonetheless.

Right now, I am in study hall...yuck...and it's 3rd hour. far so good. Only 5 hours left in the day! Catch ya on the flip-flop!

Okay...FLIP! It is now the end of the school day and I am ready to wipe away the tears and write. Chapel was very good today. I loved the worship! Now, here is where it COULD be said: "Well, of COURSE you did! Those students up there were YOUR students less than six months ago, it's not going to change THAT much in that short amount of time!" But I am stepping away from that prideful side to say, well done. And without ME!! It was so awesome to see them again, and at the end they were so happy to see me, and that felt SO good. I guess I didn't realize that being missed could be so uplifting to one's spirit! Let me assure you, it was. I even had an opportunity to encourage a former student to stick it out at least through the end of the semester. Change can be difficult...heart wrenching even, but it is inevitable. My heart goes out to the ones who are having difficulty adjusting to the new way, and, to the ones who have already given up, my heart breaks. And DC WAS right.

I liked my first subbing day...I look forward to many more...even if it means it's on a Chapel day.

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