


"Winter, slumbering in the open air, wears on its smiling face a dream... of spring. Ciao."

Wow...what has happened to everyone? Has the winter doldrums taken it's toll??? No one is blogging anymore! I remember when I would rush into this computer room at the very glimpse of a sunrise to check everyone's latest post.

Now...I drag myself out of bed...then go BACK to bed (because I CAN!) and sometime around noon-something, I take a look at the computer and sigh "nah...not today."

I certainly cannot say that I have blogged for blogging sake, but, I do wish I would get the "blogger-bug" once again. My mind is a cooler full of slush. No, really!

My AZ friends will certainly have something to say about this...I still love my WI home, but I am seriously bored with the below-zero-white-stuff. Easter is a scant 4 weeks away and I do believe it could be a white one at that. (Hmmm...just like LAST year and it was in APRIL.) about some reading material?? Anyone out there care to rev up the old blog?? I'll be waiting...and checking...

(And title is a quote from what movie??) :~)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I woke up this morning, preparing for softball in this sunny, mid 70 degree weather, I thought, wow, I have not checked blogs in a while. so, I did. My daughter blogger is still busy with her 4 children, (one with a broken arm), so the same OLD blog is up, but, I knew I could depend on the chilly WI friends. For now, I know there is not much more to do except shovel snow.

AND THE QUOTE IS FROM..... drum role please...... "Groundhog Day"... taa daa, and you thought I stupid or sumptin.

"There are three kinds of men: The ones that learn by reading. The few who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric fence and find out for themselves."