


"Fouetté, Fouetté, Fouetté, Fouetté; then turn and sell it with a look..."

Here I am, itching to write something. ANYTHING. And I cannot think of one topic to start me off. Weird. The need to share and nothing in this brain to complete the task. So, maybe, I think to myself, if I just start typing, something will come to me. Something. Not yet. Hmmm...then again...

Did you ever wonder why some people have the gift and others do not? Like writing...singing... speaking...teaching...whatever. Or dancing. That gift of movement. I'm not talking about clubbing...I'm talking about MOVEMENT...someone who dances with a grace that can touch me emotionally or spiritually. I do not have this gift. This talent. But...I love it. I cannot get enough of the visual aspect of the grace, the poise, the beauty. Ultimate in form and precision. Incredible in passion and in power.

Okay, I am going to (actually with no shame at all) admit that I am a "So You Think You Can Dance" fan. Or fanatic. Whatever. These dancers and choreographers MOVE me. Literally. I want to jump with them. Crunk with them. Pop with them. Swing with them. Arabesque...Brisé...Arrière. I can honestly say that although I LOVE all the styles I see portrayed on the show, I LOVE Contemporary. It's beautiful. It speaks to me. I can see the story. I can feel the energy, the passion, the power. And it is powerful. And passionate.

A little deeper, now. Watching these beautiful movements, for me, I find the same feeling I get when I am truly worshiping. No lie! Because worship is passion. It has it's own power, it's own beauty. When I am completely enveloped in the passion and power of worship...when I am near or in the Throne room...I am moved, touched, completely enthralled by what I what I feel. I never want it to end.

It's a gift I perfect at every opportunity. I read about it...I teach on it...I practice it continually. My face is always longing to be in His Face! I can imagine it's that way for a dancer. The "high" of the "performance" is genuine. It's exhilarating. It causes my spirit to want more. To dig deeper.

What makes YOU excited? What challenges YOU to want more? What trips YOUR trigger, so to speak? This enquiring mind wants to know.

Now, my title is a quote...not from a MOVIE...but from a television show (appropriate considering a television show is what actually prompted this blog) you know which one? And, even better, if you DO know which one, do you remember which episode?? AAAHHH...the challenge of it all!

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