


Just a hop, skip and a jump...

First...this sunset is from my front was prettier before I ran inside to get the camera, but this is pretty enough...I love our sunsets!

Here we are on our vacation in the Wisconsin Dells...graciously provided by our friendly neighborhood daughter and son-in-law! That's right...Happy and NCBF sent us on a four day vacation for our anniversary. Ain't they just the most precious???? Yes...they is! This is the one bedroom townhome we stayed in...

the living/dining room...

the fireplace (and Carl)...

The view from the front porch...

The local get the picture...

This place is called Top Secret...everyone says it's a waste of money...all the furnuture is nailed to the ceiling...that's the big attraction. woo...hoo.

We went here for the lunch theater...American Musical Celebration. They opened with: "America, We Celebrate Your Song"!! AAAHHH the memories. A GREAT production, nonetheless, and the food was superb!

A German clock tower...every day on the hour, it tells the story of the Pied Piper. Cool.

The beautiful Wisconsin River.

Local color...

Here we are on our last day, getting ready to head out. Okay, MY smile is bigger than Chief's, but we had an incredible time and can't wait to go again. And we WILL be going again...

...because now, we are proud Bluegreen vacation club OWNERS!!

We did have a wonderful, relaxing vacation...much needed and it was awesome to be just the two of us for a few days. The weather was spectacular, and becoming owners was one of the highlights of the trip. We are excited to begin planning other vacations...something we have never done before. We went to an awesome place called the Chicago Club...a 1927 Speakeasy. Totally cool...silent movies, a flapper, an old-time piano player and great old-time jazz and swing songs. We had a blast...and again...great food! Thanks Happy and was grand!


Anonymous said...

Oh Jo, it looks like you had a wonderful time! So owners? Like in a time share? Man looking at the dells, what memories! Love ya sis!

jw26pt2 said...

Great pix! We had lunch at Famous Dave's across from the Glockenspiel last time we were in the Dells. Glad you had a great time!
Love, Bff