


...With a Grateful Heart.

A lack-a-dasical Saturday...sounds enticing, doesn't it? Oh Yeah.

Okay...envision this:

You had company over for dinner last night, so the house is pretty clean. Your wonderful hubby cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes while you did the last two days of your Bible Study at 7:00 this morning. Home from Bible Study (which was wonderful) around 2:00 and you had a little lunch. You're comfortable. Now look...over there in that corner...a bottle of water, the remote control, the telephone, a cozy blanket and a little pillow all strategically placed around that recliner with your name on it. Ahhhh...HGTV here I come. Well, at least for about twenty minutes...then...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ...

I show you this comfortable, cozy little picture for no other reason than I really wanted to just write it all out. While I was in my quiet little zzzz-world, I dreamt about this blog. Weird, huh? I was actually thinking about the Bible Study this morning and the teaching for next week. Give Thanks With a Grateful Heart.

Our speaker (you know who you are!) asked us this question: "think of 5 things you are thankful for". We didn't need to speak them outloud, just that we should think of them. My immediate thought was: "I am so thankful for my family. My husband, my children, my grandchildren. I am thankful for my home. I am thankful for my precious friends (you know who you are, too!). I am overwhelmingly thankful for my new church home. I am incredibly thankful for my salvation. Not bad just off the top of my head, if I do say so myself.

Afterwards, we went to see Cheerios, BDILE, (I need a cooler name for me!) Z-man and Flower. Precious!! We tickled and laughed and played with Moon Sand...very cool stuff. I always love the time I get to spend with them...they all make my heart smile. I DID say I was thankful for them! That is one of the reasons why.

Then, home...another one of the things that popped into my head of thankful thoughts.

All of those things were perfectly fine things. Big things. Things EVERYONE would have thought. So...while I am zzzz-ing, I could see in my that place between sleep and awake where you can hear what's happening around you, but can't really, physically respond...the empty recliner. The water. The remote. The phone. That blanket. I could hear..."aren't you thankful for these things, too?"

Oh my word...YES. For the absolute tiniest thing in my life...I am words-cannot-describe-it thankful. Teacher touched on it for a moment today..."Lord, thank you for that tree...thank you for the melting snow...thank you for my radio..." Things that may never enter your mind when someone asks you that random question: "what are YOU thankful for?"

My recliner on a lack-a-dasical Saturday afternoon in a clean house with a great old movie and a bottle of water. Nothing better to do but...ZZZZZZZZZ...

So, tell me, what are YOU thankful for?


Maybe I need a letter...

Chief preached a sermon yesterday on Timothy. Unfortunately, this post isn't about his wonderful sermon (sorry, honey). And it was wonderful!

It just got me to thinking about the letter itself. No one writes like that anymore. Actually, I'm not sure if anyone BUT Paul wrote like that. A letter of utter encouragement and discipline. Altogether in one shot. Like the letters to the Hebrews (really, it's not for certain that Paul is the author of this letter, but for this blog, let's just assume he is), the Ephesians, the Philippians, Titus, the get the idea...who writes like that? Still...think about it. Wouldn't you like to write something that profound? Have anyone in mind?

Isn't there someone in your circle of family or friends who could use a good "letter"? Do you have the hutzpah? Why are we so afraid to speak the truth to those we honestly love? When in the world did we get so tolerant of the sin around us? I guess "in the world" would be the key phrase here. Jesus...Peter...Paul...James...John...they were not so tolerant. Truth abounds in their words and in their writings. We hear it preached to us from the pulpit...and we nod our heads in agreement. We may even say an "amen" or two. We MAY even shout out a "PREACH IT" once in a while when it hits us directly. BUT...are we willing to BE the one writing the letter we listen to on Sunday morning?

Are we willing to stand on God's principles to reach out to that family member who is really happy, but is, in the long run, hurting themselves? Are we willing to speak truth into that person's life? "LORD, who may dwell in your sanctuary? Who may live on your holy hill? He whose walk is blameless and who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from his heart" Psalm 15:1-2 Certainly WE are not blameless. On the contrary, we are about as imperfect as any creature could be, but, as a Believer, it is our responsiblity to not tolerate sin. To be loving in our rebuke...and we DO need to rebuke when it's necessary.

Tolerance. Where is THAT in God's Word? Yep...I found it. Romans 2:3-5 says this: "So when you, a mere man, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgment? Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, tolerance and patience, not realizing that God's kindness leads you toward repentance? But because of your stubbornness and your unrepentant heart, you are storing up wrath against yourself for the day of God's wrath, when his righteous judgment will be revealed."

This passage is not talking about OUR tolerance, but GOD'S tolerance. Does God tolerate sin? Absolutely not. Should we? No. We should not. We should live our lives realizing God's kindness towards us...which leads us to repentance...which leads us to His grace and mercy...which leads us to His ultimate gift of salvation.

Should we, maybe, be writing a letter to OURSELVES? Probably. But I think we do an injustice to those we profess we love when we tolerate the sin in which they live. Oh please...don't get all high and mighty on me and believe for one minute that you will not be judged for your indifference to a loved ones blatant blasphemy you disguise as tolerance of their life style. "Everyone has a RIGHT to believe any way they choose." You are also saying "Everyone has the RIGHT to live for eternity in Hell...I am going to heaven, why should I care?"

This was actually a difficult blog for me. Undoubtedly because I am the worst offender of apathetic tolerance. It's been on my mind for the past week or so. Because of the book I am reading on Humility by Andrew Murray. How can I put on the humility of Christ when I am blatantly aware of my sin? I can't. I can only trust that each and every day when I come before my Father and I repent, I mean it and He forgives me. Completely. We need to share that with those who live in tolerance. God does not, cannot, will not TOLERATE sin. Any sin. As humans, we put a "degree" on sins committed...but God is clear when He says "the wages of SIN is death." BDILE actually shared a message about this very thing in our Bible study Saturday morning...I should thank her for her words of discipline and encouragement...THANK YOU!

So...for all of you that actually READ my blogs...(thank you, by-the-way) I am the one who needs a letter...any takers?


The Ride of a Lifetime...

I am so blessed to have good friends and family who "understand" me! At least they want to understand me...and that means so much to me.

It's been a rollercoaster ride, this life of mine, and there have been many riders along the way. Some keep coming back for more thrills...spills...excitement! And, still, some only ride once. Maybe twice.

Personally...I don't like rollercoasters. They make me sick. Ironic, isn't it? When you think of your life, in general, do you think of a carnival ride? Or a quiet beach...a serene snow-covered mountain...a parade...a fire-works display...insert-adjectives-here? There have been times when my life was serene, but...seriously, I cannot think of any time my life was serene, that doesn't mean those times did not exist for me. They are just not prevelant in my mind right now.

Today, my life is...well, for lack of a bigger-better word...good. Can you relate? UGH...I digress...this is about rollercoasters. Really.

When you first get on a rollercoaster, you are strapped in tightly (you know, so you won't FALL OUT AND DIE WHEN YOU SPEED THROUGH THE LOOP-DE-LOOP UPSIDE-DOWN!) and once the car is full, you SLOWLY begin your ascent up that REALLY steep grade. Close to the top of this climb, you are looking forward and there is nothing there. Just sky. Your stomach is already flipping over in anticipation. Then the slightest hesitation at the very top and DOWN-DOWN-DOWN you go curving around sideways, upside-down, sideways again, upside-down again...then ANOTHER slow climb up. DOWN-DOWN-DOWN...sideways...upside-down...sideways...up...down...up...down...all the while EVERYONE around you is screaming! Frantically. Then...after what seems to be an eternity of screaming and tears and fear and thrills and would-someone-please-stop-this-thing-so-I-can-get-off fright, it's over. In a moment. Literally. All of that happens in about 5 minutes.

Oh, come knew life was like that! Didn't you? You're die. A little morbid, yes, but, true nonetheless.

So...even though rollercoasters in REAL life make me sick...I am happy to be on one right now. And I couldn't be more pleased with my passengers! It's really been a great ride and I wouldn't have wanted it to be any different. Sometimes the coaster needs some repair, and I am grateful for mechanics who know what they are doing so my ride is safe for all who climb that steep grade with me.

Thanks for stopping by...maybe NEXT time my life will seem like that serene mountain top. Who knows? BUT...the only way to find out is to keep stopping by...admission is free and the view is fabulous!

Take a ride with me...