


Okay...PhotoMom tagged me in a Picture Game! I am supposed to go into my pictures folder, then into the fourth folder and upload the fourth picture from that folder. goes:
This is Chief and Beautiful. He strapped her on to go out and mow the lawn! It was a hoot!!, also, is the fourth picture after that one:

It was a beautiful day...a wonderful week...I look forward to this years visit!!

Now, I am supposed to tag people...but I do not know how to do that. I'll try, though!


Unknown said...

OMG THAT IS SO FUNNY!!!! Way to go Chief! I don't know how you tag either. I've never done it before LOL BUT, is that me being tagged?! lol Since I think the game is fun, I'm going to do it anyway! I think when you tag you leave the person a comment letting them know, but I could be very wrong on that lol

Lori said...

OH I love those pictures! Makes me reallly want summer now too, stupid winter, stupid cold, stupid sun that is lying, cuz it's all shiny and bright, but there is no warmth!

Mrs. M said...

Hey Woman! I do live in White Caps! Thanks for visiting my blogs...I like your blog too!

Unknown said...

Loved these photo's and what a great idea. Smart mom.
Sounds like you have a wonderful, God centered life, a wonderful life.
If you get time check out my blog.
God Bless