


My New Obsession... it's not really NEW, perse...but I am finding new and different venues to keep up with my love for scrapbooking and cardmaking. I would love to get REALLY good at it and sell the cards...someday. Maybe.

I made these for a friend whose daughter is having a baby in June/July. The shower is in May.

I have decided to make her Thank You cards, too. (They won't ALL look like this...I will make different colors...just because.)

And...just for your viewing pleasure...Easter and Christmas.


theciskekidsrblessings said...

I got my invitation, and you SO could sell these. Start a website and offer them... Offer them on Ebay... it'd be easy. HA! Easy for me to say, huh!? You are very good at them! And if you don't believe me, ask Dave, i told him the same thing!!!

Unknown said...

These are beautiful. Do you offer classes?
God Bless, you are an amazing woman!