


The Ride of a Lifetime...

I am so blessed to have good friends and family who "understand" me! At least they want to understand me...and that means so much to me.

It's been a rollercoaster ride, this life of mine, and there have been many riders along the way. Some keep coming back for more thrills...spills...excitement! And, still, some only ride once. Maybe twice.

Personally...I don't like rollercoasters. They make me sick. Ironic, isn't it? When you think of your life, in general, do you think of a carnival ride? Or a quiet beach...a serene snow-covered mountain...a parade...a fire-works display...insert-adjectives-here? There have been times when my life was serene, but...seriously, I cannot think of any time my life was serene, that doesn't mean those times did not exist for me. They are just not prevelant in my mind right now.

Today, my life is...well, for lack of a bigger-better word...good. Can you relate? UGH...I digress...this is about rollercoasters. Really.

When you first get on a rollercoaster, you are strapped in tightly (you know, so you won't FALL OUT AND DIE WHEN YOU SPEED THROUGH THE LOOP-DE-LOOP UPSIDE-DOWN!) and once the car is full, you SLOWLY begin your ascent up that REALLY steep grade. Close to the top of this climb, you are looking forward and there is nothing there. Just sky. Your stomach is already flipping over in anticipation. Then the slightest hesitation at the very top and DOWN-DOWN-DOWN you go curving around sideways, upside-down, sideways again, upside-down again...then ANOTHER slow climb up. DOWN-DOWN-DOWN...sideways...upside-down...sideways...up...down...up...down...all the while EVERYONE around you is screaming! Frantically. Then...after what seems to be an eternity of screaming and tears and fear and thrills and would-someone-please-stop-this-thing-so-I-can-get-off fright, it's over. In a moment. Literally. All of that happens in about 5 minutes.

Oh, come knew life was like that! Didn't you? You're die. A little morbid, yes, but, true nonetheless.

So...even though rollercoasters in REAL life make me sick...I am happy to be on one right now. And I couldn't be more pleased with my passengers! It's really been a great ride and I wouldn't have wanted it to be any different. Sometimes the coaster needs some repair, and I am grateful for mechanics who know what they are doing so my ride is safe for all who climb that steep grade with me.

Thanks for stopping by...maybe NEXT time my life will seem like that serene mountain top. Who knows? BUT...the only way to find out is to keep stopping by...admission is free and the view is fabulous!

Take a ride with me...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in the car behind you my friend...

"Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I've stayed alive."