


Good morning, and in case I don't see you...

Well...Thursday afternoon was quite the emotional couple of hours. My Music Ministry class was incredibly attentive and worshiped with me acapella. After I prayed, I told them how I really loved being a Navy wife. I loved the moving and the change and newness of it all. I told them the story of when we received our orders to Rhode Island and having to leave homechurch and all our friends. How difficult it was...being torn between the excitement and the tragedy of it all. How I kept my eyes opened when PD prayed over the offering and watching Mom and Sis get ready to sing their first duet together and how God must have been sitting right next to me when He whispered in my ear "your task has been completed here, it's time for you to go." (cue the obvious choked-back tears) They were completely silent, eyes literally glued on me when I said, "so, I am saying to you, my task has been completed here, it's time for me to go." Actually, God had created a perfect divine moment in my life at that instant. (Back on Monday, I was trying to figure out how I was going to tell this particular group of students I was leaving...I love them so much; and even though I knew I was going to sing with them a chorus called "Enough", what was I going to say? Then God reminded me of His words to my spirit that Sunday back in 1990. Isn't He awesome? Absolutely.)

They were full of questions...not "who would take over?", not right away; but, what would I be doing? How was I? Then they wanted to know what was in store for them. I couldn't tell them. Because I do not know. But, I am praying that God will usher in the absolute perfect person for the task. That the admin will be fully seeking God for this particular class. After discussion, after they understood that it was very difficult to come to this decision, one of my students said "I don't think we should leave here without praying corporately for this situation and for Mrs. Ciske." So we did. It was kind, moving and refreshing. One student came to me and said that during prayer the Lord spoke to her to give me these verses: Proverbs 3:5 & 6. Unknown to her, they are my favorite verses because they are the verses my Grandmother gave to me before I left for first move as a Navy wife. I am in awe of these incredible quasi-adults whom I truly love and cherish as if they were my own off-spring. I have prayed for them, over them and with them. Then there they were, praying for me. Sweet.

I have spent a lot of time talking about my "announcement" to my worship team at least a sentence or two about today. My Journalism classes. Yeah...I was right...not much really there. I had asked them to please not write or do homework while I was sharing information with them (like they usually do), and most of them (well ALL of them in 2nd and 4th hour, not as many kids in those two classes) did as I asked. Still, I had a girl working on math and using her calculator, hiding behind the girl in front of her (they ALWAYS think you can't see them!) and a couple of the guys propping their heads up with their hands with that mouth-hanging-open-dull-glaze on their faces. If they cared, they didn't show it, if it mattered, they didn't show that either. It was a rather defeating morning. I will still miss the majority of them. A few of my sophomore girls fo' sho'.

Anyway, that's "how it went", good, bad or indifferent, I am outta there June 1. ...good afternoon, good evening and good night!


jw26pt2 said...

Well, if one class is going to be "good" about your leaving, it would be Music Ministry -- to me, that one would be dearer to your heart -- it's WHAT YOU DO. I could be way off base, but that's the class that I would want to be more sensitive too. It sounds like they were great. Thanks for letting us know how it went!
Love, BFF

Anonymous said...

Time to move on, consider it a spiritual promotion, they must have been holding you back.

JCsings4Him said... are so right! They are near and dear to me...I will miss that bonding terribly! And, Poppy...holding me back??? You better believe it!! :~)

God better have something incredible planned for me...yeah, like EVERYTHING He's done for me hasn't been incredible! Still...I am almost afraid to look around the corner... :~)

Anonymous said...

