



It's Spring Break. Wonderful, glorious, please-can-I-sleep-until-7:30 am Spring Break. It all actually started on Good Friday...except I was up at 5:45 am and too restless to sleep, I got up and went downstairs to go out to my car to get my camera so I could upload a picture of our church and place it on our new welcome brochures to give out at Saturday's Easter Egg Hunt. So...I fell down three stairs, out of the house and into the garage on my back. Yeah...ouch. Way ouch. I have joined the ranks of Chief who fell off a ladder in FRONT of the garage a few weeks ago and is STILL struggling with that wrist. I actually cried. Like really cried. I finally pulled my bruised and embarrassed self together, went up to the computer and worked on the brochure for about three hours. It looked GOOD! to school to finish that yearbook so we wouldn't "incur any additional charges" by missing my Monday deadline. That took me three hours. Then out to lunch with the Chief, home to sleep while watching the Masters Tournament (YES, I actually WATCHED parts of it) and then to church to stuff plastic eggs with candy, and home to sleep and complain about my bruised body. Chief is a very patient man.

Now, it is Monday, the actual BEGINNING of MY Spring Break. I slept until 7, and forced myself to lie there until 7:30. I did laundry, worked on some computer stuff for school, had a Starbucks Mocha Latte (thanks Chicken), did the dishes and watched Andy Griffith. My shoulder still hurts like H-E-double toothpicks, and I have this HUGE bruise on my arm and my hip, but you know what??? Life is good.


jw26pt2 said...

OMW! Owie momma bubba joe! You poor kid! And I really hated the idea of an Easter egg hunt in the snow... I can barely write that without gagging.
love, bff

Anonymous said...

I bet you slipped on some ice... I'm glad we don't have to worry about that crap here... Do you guys still have health insurance, or, have they dropped you? At least work it out to where one of you breaks the others fall. Remember, you guys are a team now. Work together.